Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Writing: "Tikanga in the playground DLO"

W.A.L.T: Create a DLO about TIKANGA in the playground.

This week's writing task was to create a DLO (Google slide) about Tikanga. I found it mostly easy to work with Kyvana to complete it quicker. I found it challenging to find more ideas about Tikanga. I enjoyed decorating it and getting really creative, choosing the font of the writing was my favorite. One thing I need to improve on is to make my work more detailed, I'd rather have more ideas rather than 7.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Multiplication & Division.

W.A.L.T: Understand Multiplication and Division strategies.

This week's maths task was to complete 5 slides of our "Multiplication & Division equations"  One thing I found easy was to start with the first slide (Times tables maths chart), I had started with the equations I knew best -That were easy. I found it challenging to work the equations inside my book and not in my head. I really enjoyed answering the easier question. Next time I need to improve on knowing more answers to the questions - I need to focus a bit more. 

-I didn't complete all slides.

Thursday, November 26, 2020


 W.A.L.T: Create a DLO blog post about RESPECT:)

This week's writing task was to create a DLO about one of our values for this week "RESPECT". I found it mostly easy to read our ideas that was written on the whiteboard to type onto the chrome. I found it very challenging to make 2 slides about the value that I hadn't finished last week and this week's value. It was very confusing to see what I was writing, I got on track.  I really enjoyed decorating the background, the color, the font, the pictures, and more. Next time, in the future, to improve I need to get my work finished quicker.